West Riding (Yorkshire)

Flag Type:  Regional Flag
Flag Date:  23rd May 2013
Flag Designer:  Michael Faul
Adoption Route:  Public Vote
UK Design Code:  UNKG7435
Aspect Ratio:  3:5
Pantone® Colours:  White, Red 186, Cream 617, Green 368/370, Yellow 109/116
Certification:  Flag Institute Chief Vexillologist, Graham Bartram

The West Riding Flag is a community flag proclaiming the unique identity of this historic riding of Yorkshire.

The flag shows the cross of St George, the symbol of England, represented as a Scandinavian cross.

This reflects Yorkshire’s Anglo-Scandinavian heritage, as the county was once settled and ruled by Norwegians and Danes.

It also focuses attention on the hoist, or westernmost, side.

In the centre of the cross is the traditional white rose of Yorkshire, used since the fourteenth century.

It appears against a blazing sun, a heraldic combination known as ‘rose-en-soleil’. This same device and the colours of red and white appeared in the arms of the former West Riding Council (1889—1974).

The Dalesman magazine launched a competition to design a West Riding flag on 23 January 2013.

A judging panel selected a shortlist of six designs, which then went to public vote.