In memoriam: Michael Faul

Michael Faul in 2004

It is with great sadness that the Flag Institute announces the death on the 1 January 2019 of Michael Faul MA FFI FFIAV, former Secretary and long-time Editor of Flagmaster. Michael was a dedicated servant of the Flag Institute and possibly the leading authority on flags in the immediate post-Crampton/Smith era of vexillology. In 2001 he organised the hugely successful ICV19 in his home city of York, celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the 1801-pattern Union Flag. His final meeting was ICV27 in London in 2017, where he relished the opportunity to meet up again with friends worldwide. The members of the Flag Institute mourn his passing and send their deepest condolences to his family.

Michael Faul (right) receives the Fellowship of FIAV from FIAV Secretary-General for Congresses Graham Bartram in November 2011

8 Responses to In memoriam: Michael Faul

  1. ronald c. strachan 6 January 2019 at 5:27 am #

    Great friend that was,sadly missed,RIP

  2. Roberto Breschi - CISV 6 January 2019 at 9:47 am #

    I learn with great sorrow the death of Michel Faul and I mourn his passing. Michel was a great friend of our Association and, above all, my personal. He was present several times at our annual conferences, making excellent contributions. The last time I saw him was at 27 ICV in London last year. Condolences also on behalf of all the members of the CISV to the family and to the friends of the Flag Institute.
    Roberto Breschi, president CISV

  3. John Moody 6 January 2019 at 9:51 pm #

    Please accept the deep condolences of the New Zealand Flag Association about the passing of Michael
    Another Star in the constellation of Vexillologists has gone and we are the poorer for it.
    To Michael’s family please accept the N.Z.F.As sympathy and understanding in this difficult time,
    John Moody
    New Zealand
    Flag Association

  4. phil allen 7 January 2019 at 5:26 am #

    I met Mr. Faul in York, in 1984, and spent a delightful meeting at his home. I was thinner, as I recall. If, one by one, the old guard passeth, may it ‘divine’ that flag awareness among the un-vexed laity is growing by the season ..

  5. John Vaughan 16 January 2019 at 6:56 am #

    John Vaughan is with George Burrows and 28 others.
    January 4 at 7:28 PM
    VALE GOOD FRIEND: Michael was a great person, a true gentleman who so generously shared his vast knowledge of flags with many colleagues and acquaintances, inspiring all who had the privilege to know him. He will be be remembered for his good deeds, his absolute devotion to his Family and his expertise in all aspects of Vexillology. Vale, Michael I will fly the Yorkshire West Riding flag which you designed at half mast in your memory and your partner Ethel who predeceased you. John Vaughan Life Member of The Flag Institute and long time correspondent.

  6. Mark Denten 25 January 2019 at 7:46 am #

    RIP Michael a wonderful man who re kindled my enthusiasm for the world of flags.Mark Denten

  7. Dieter Linder 27 January 2019 at 3:54 pm #

    Dear Flag Friends in the UK,

    With great sadness I have learned today of the decease of our estimated fellow. Michael was a great vexillologist and much admired by me for his knowledge, combined with genuine British humour – always in cordial friendship and modesty. We will miss him.

    Thank you, Michael, for the time you gave us to be with you. RIP

    Dieter Linder

    Founding member of the German Flag Association DGF
    President of Der Wappen-Löwe e. V., München

  8. Geoffrey Caruth 7 June 2019 at 11:07 am #

    RIP Michael. I only became ware of his death recently. We corresponded for over thirty years but never met in person. However we got to know each other and to exchange much information and share many laughs. Flagmaster under his direction was to my mind the best Journal of its kind in the world and it’s demise is also to be regretted.
    Regards to All from South Africa