Welcome to the William Crampton Library Catalogue:
- unique in world vexillology — an open-access, itemised index to flag research, scholarship and publishing
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Library catalogue | journals included
Complete: Blazon- kaj flag-bulteno (Czech Republic) | CHF (Finland) | Coat of Arms* (UK) | Dragonlore* (UK) | eFlags (UK) | Emblemata (Spain) | Emblèmes et pavillons (France) | Estandarte (Argentina) | Флаг (Russia) | Flag Research Quarterly (US) | Flaga (Poland) | Flagfax (UK) | Flaggen, Wappen und Siegel (Czech Republic) | Flaggenforum (Germany) | Flaggenkurier (Germany) | Flagmaster (UK) | Flagscan (Canada) | Gaceta de Banderas (Spain) | Grb i Zastava (Croatia) | Heraldry Society Flag Section Newsletter (UK) | Herold (Bulgaria) | Heroldi (Georgia) | Info FIAV (FIAV) | Irish Vexillology Newsletter | Lieuhat Värit (Finland) | Macedonian Herald (North Macedonia) | NAVA News (US) | New England Journal of Vexillology (US) | Nordisk Flagkontakt (Scandinavia) | Nordisk Flagsskrift (Scandinavia) | Raven (US) | SAVA Flag Specification Sheets (Southern Africa) | SAVA Journal (South Africa) | Seaxe* (UK) | Somerset Dragon* (UK) | VAST News (US) | VexiInfo (Czech Republic) | Vexil.la Catalana (Catalonia) | Vexil’Oc (Occitania) | Vexilla Belgica (Belgium) | Vexilla Italica (Italy) | Vexillacta (Belgium) | Vexillologia (France) | Vexillum (US) | Vexilloargentina (Argentina) | Vexilokontakt (Czech Republic) | Vexilolog (Czech Republic) | VIBE Newsletter (Ireland) | * relevant articles only
In progress: Ar Banniel (Brittany) | Banderas (Spain) | Le Cabinet des drapeaux communique (Germany) | Crux Australis (Australia) | Drapeaux et Pavillons (France) | Flag Bulletin (FRC) | Flag Institute Flag Specification Sheets (UK) | Flaggenmitteilungen (Switzerland) | Flagwaver (US) | SAVA Newsletter (South Africa) | Vexilla Helvetica (Switzerland) | Vexilla Nostra (Netherlands) | Vexilla Notizie (Italy) | Vexillae Francia (France) | Vexillinfo (Belgium) | Vexilloid Tabloid (US) | Vexilologie (Czech Republic) | Vlag! (Netherlands) | Zászlómúzeum Info (Hungary) | Znak (Ukraine)
To index: Info-Bulletin (Netherlands) | Uniformenmarkt (Germany) | Vlaggen-Info (Netherlands) | assorted sample and specimen titles
Library Catalogue | user guide
The catalogue comprises eight columns headed A—H, displayed in default order A C D E.
A: main heading
- normally a country listed under its modern name
- each vanished country appears under the name of the closest equivalent modern state
- also includes
- works on International Organisations | general or multinational works on any categor(y/ies) listed under column C
B: period
- country-specific, representing significant changes in the style of the national flag
C: type of symbol
- General
- works covering more than one symbol
- National
- representing the state
- Head of state
- includes immediate family (if applicable)
- Government
- government departments and their agencies
- Naval
- rank, appointment or dignity | individual ships, units, formations or commands | marines
- Military
- rank, appointment or dignity | individual units, formations or commands
- Air force
- rank, appointment or dignity | individual units, formations or commands
- Civic
- units of local government
- Political
- political parties | other political movements e.g. dissidents or separatists
- Sports
- organised sports, governing bodies and clubs
- Other
- any organisation not otherwise included
- any organisation not otherwise included
- Ecclesiastical
- organised religions
- Ethnic
- a community as an ethnic group rather than a nation state
- Display and use
- regulations and customs of flag protocol | attitudes of a community towards its flag(s)
- National identity
- as expressed through flags and other symbols (more general than ‘Display and use’)
D: author(s)
E: title
F: journal title (articles only)
G: volume, date, page reference (articles only)
H: notes