
Flagmaster is our full-colour, 48-page magazine – exclusive to members

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  • flags old and new
  • features, long reads, comment, updates and information

Flagmaster is our twice-yearly magazine - 48 full-colour pages, exclusive to members What do our members say?

‘… love the new look! … Excellent job!’ (Hannah Patton)

‘… fantastic … very professional publication with superb articles and stunning visuals….a great read’ (Paul Lynch)

‘Excellent work, always pleased to receive my Flagmaster and new design looks great’ (Robert Saffrey)

‘Excellent new format, articles are first rate and absorbing, well done Flag Institute’ (Ian Byrnes)

‘Excuse me while I absolutely nerd out on my first awesome delivery …’ (Chris McHugh)

Do you want to write for Flagmaster?

If so, we’d love to hear from you.

Please send your ideas to editor Jos Poels or contact any member of the team:

  • – Editor-in-Chief, Flag Institute; professional vexillologist
  • Malcolm Good – Flag Institute
  • Andrew Kayley – Treasurer, Flag Institute
  • Theun Okkerse – Vice-president, NVvV; graphic designer
  • – Librarian, Flag Institute
  • – CEO, Flag Institute

Flagmaster Index

The complete subject guide to 50+ years of articles.

Free to browse, search or download here.

Flagmaster Archive

Every issue in PDF format.

Exclusive to members – browse, search or download here.

Not a member? Join the Flag Institute now.