Events Archive

Westmorland Day: Creation of Earldom of Westmorland

Westmorland Day takes place annually on 29 September.

It marks the date in 1397, when King Richard II created Ralph Neville the first Earl of Westmorland.

A poll at the Westmorland County Show (2013) chose this day.

Other options included: 30 January – birth of Lady Anne Clifford; 30 July – death of Thomas de Strickland; 1 October – battle of Tinghai; 21 October – death of Earl Ralph Neville; 18 December – battle of Clifton (perhaps the last battle on English soil).

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East Riding Day: Birthday of William Wilberforce

East Riding Day takes place annually on 24 August.

It marks the birthday of Hull-born MP William Wilberforce (1759–1833), leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade.

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North Riding Day: Battle of the Standard, 1138

North Riding Day takes place annually on 22 August.

It marks the date of the battle of the Standard (1138), when English forces defeated the Scots near Northallerton.

The name of the battle derives from the consecrated banners of the minsters of Durham, York, Beverley and Ripon.

These flew from a mast mounted on a cart that marked the centre of the English position.

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Wessex Day: Feast of St Aldhelm

St Aldhelm (639–709) was Abbot of Malmesbury and Bishop of Sherborne.

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Middlesex Day: Battle of Albuera, 1811

The battle of Albuera (1811) took place during the Peninsular War, when Anglo-Portuguese forces defeated the French.

The 57th (West Middlesex) Foot suffered very heavy casualties during the battle and later celebrated the anniversary as a regimental day.

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Huntingdonshire Day: Birthday of Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell (1599–1658) was an English statesman, politician and soldier.

He was MP for his native Huntingdon (1628-9).

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Orkney Day: Feast of St Magnus

St Magnus, then Magnus Erlendsson, was Earl of Orkney (1106–c.1117).

He was sanctified in 1136.

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Mercia Day: Feast of St Alban

Mercia Day takes place annually on 22 June, the feast of St Alban.

St Alban is the first recorded British Christian martyr, by tradition beheaded in Verulamium (modern St Albans) during the third or fourth centuries.

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