Hints and tips

Start designing your flag by following these essential hints and tips:

1: Keep it simple

  • The flag should be simple enough for a child to draw from memory

2: Use meaningful symbolism

  • Use elements, colours and patterns that relate to what the flag symbolises

3: Use no more than two or three basic colours

  • Choose from the standard colour set
    • red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, purple, black and white
  • Choose those that contrast well
    • yellow and white work well on any other colour and vice versa

4: Avoid lettering, seals or coats of arms

  • Do not use any organisational badge, seal or coat of arms
    • instead use element(s) from a relevant coat of arms as symbols on the flag
  • Do not use any kind of lettering

5: Be distinctive or be related

  • Do not duplicate other flags
  • But do use similarities to show connections

6: Consider the effect of height and wind

  • Remember the design must remain visible when flying
    • from a high pole
    • in high winds, in no wind and when rippling in the breeze

7: Get more detailed guidance

  • The Guiding Principles of Flag Design (Flag Institute/NAVA, 2014)
  • Free to view or download in PDF here