It was 25 years ago this Friday (27th February) that Latvia re-adopted their current flag, the same one they’d used from the day the country declared its independence from Russia: 18th November 1918. But the story behind Latvia’s flag dates back over 700 years. Legend has it the leader of a Latvian tribe was killed […]
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Flag of Gambia
The flag of Gambia celebrates its 50th anniversary on Wednesday 18 February. The date also marks the golden anniversary of Gambia’s independence from the United Kingdom. A blue stripe flows right through the centre of the flag, just as the river Gambia bisects the country. The red stripe symbolises the savannah and the sun. Given […]

Flag of Canada
Canada’s iconic Maple Leaf flag celebrates its golden jubilee this coming Sunday. It was officially unveiled on 15th February 1965 on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, having been proclaimed as the new flag of Canada by the Queen just over two weeks before. It was the brainchild of George Stanley, a Dean of the Arts at […]

Flag of Chile
The flag of Chile is approaching its bicentenary, having been adopted on 18th October 1817 – roughly five months before independence from Spain was declared. Only the flags of Denmark (1370), the Netherlands (1572), U.K. (1606) and U.S.A. (1777) are older by adoption date. Chile’s flag, known as La Estrella Solitaria (The Lone Star) is […]

Flag of Australia
Australia’s national flag was adopted on 3rd September 1901. Edward VII officially recognised it 17 months later. It was designed by Ivor Evans (a 14-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne), Leslie John Hawkins (a teenage optician’s apprentice from Sydney), Egbert John Nuttall (an architect from Melbourne), Annie Dorrington (an artist from Perth) and William Stevens (a ship’s […]

Flag of USA (51 stars)
The flag of the U.S.A. is perhaps the most recognisable in the world, and depending on your perspective it symbolises the land of the free and the home of the brave, or, is the face of everything that’s wrong with the world or just your country. So when angry business owners in Moscow starting using […]

What does the European Flag even mean?
As you might expect, we keep a reasonable eye on flag-related projects in all mediums, all around the world. There are lots of talented people out there, doing lots of great flag-related work. However this ‘explainer video’ by Mike Hobbes is a bit special. It is not entirely error-free but it is nevertheless a marvelous […]