Spring and Winter Conferences

We hold a Spring Conference and a Winter Conference each year.

No fuss, no formality – just a warm welcome and a great time talking flags.

  • varied programme
  • flags past, present and future
  • international mix of speakers and members
  • make new friends and catch up with old ones

Recent and upcoming venues include York, London, Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham.

Spring Conference 2025

Saturday 17 May 2025, Bar Convent Heritage Centre, Blossom Street, York YO24 1AQ.

We’re heading north again in 2025.

All welcome – save the date and watch this space for more information.

Past events

Spring Conference 2024

Saturday 18 May 2024, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL.

A sell-out audience enjoyed another day of great company and excellent talks:

  • Graham Bartram FFI FVAST, Chief Vexillologist, Flag Institute: A Flag for a Polluted World: Antarctica Flag Redesign Proposal

Graham designed the flag for Antarctica in 1996 to symbolise its role as a hub for scientific collaboration, peaceful co-existence and nature conservation. Yet Antarctica now has another distinctive attribute – it is facing a serious threat from plastic pollution, which is harming its wildlife, its environment and its future. Graham’s presentation examined his proposed redesign of the Antarctic flag to highlight this escalating problem.

  • Geoff Parsons, The Heraldry Society: Flags of the Southern Regions of South America and of the Antarctic Territories

Geoff reviewed the flags seen on his recent trip to an area rich in history and flag culture. Sailing aboard the MS Oosterdam, his destinations included Buenos Aires, Falkland Islands, Drake Passage, several Antarctic research bases, Cape Horn, Beagle Channel, Magellan Strait, Chilean fjords and Santiago.

  • Brian Cham, Flag Design Consultant, North American Vexillological Association: Unravelling the Tino Rangatiratanga Flag (Māori Flag) through the Eyes of Its Designer

Designed in 1989, the Tino Rangatiratanga flag is the flag of the Māori people of Aotearoa New Zealand. It has come a long way from a napkin doodle to a national icon but has also garnered controversy. Brian talked with Linda Munn, its last living creator, to share her perspective on the flag and its story. Both contributors are proud to share this part of their homeland’s culture.

  • John Cartledge, Flag Institute: Flags and the Law in Engand

In a preview of his forthcoming ICV30 presentation, John explored the main regulations and protocols governing flag design and use in England. Although there are some statutory requirements, in domestic and/or international law, most flag-related ‘rules’ in England are the product of tradition and common practice, which in some instances can be traced back for centuries and are derived from the medieval science of heraldry. This presentation focused on England because for constitutional and historical reasons, law and practice relating to flags differ in detail between the nations of the United Kingdom.

  • Patrick Rennie, President, Mars Society UK: Interplanetary Flag Design – A New Flag for Mars

In this interactive session, Patrick Rennie introduced us briefly to the Mars Society UK, the current Mars flag and previous attempts to design one before we took a look at some new proposals and had a stab at our own redesign. 

Winter Conference 2023

Saturday and Sunday 18/19 November 2023,  Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh.

We headed north for a very special weekend – our first conference in Scotland, our first 2-day event and our first collaboration with The Heraldry Society of Scotland.

Over 40 vexillologists – FI members, HSS members and visitors alike – enjoyed a feast of Scottish flags, heraldry and history.

Day 1 ended at the Royal Scots Club with a sell-out Presidents’ Drinks Reception and Dinner.

Also featured on the programme were:

  • Welcome: Councillor Robert Aldridge, Rt Hon Lord Provost of Edinburgh
  • Sheriff George Way of Plean, Carrick Pursuivant
  • Alasdair Hutton OBE TD OStJ, broadcaster, journalist and writer; narrator, Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
  • Kevin Greig, Fellow of The Heraldic Institute and The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
  • Fraser Thompson, Scottish Flag Trust
  • Sheila Collins, Ashfield (Trades House, Edinburgh)
  • Philip Tibbetts, March Pursuivant Extraordinary and Flag Institute Communities Vexillologist
  • Graham Bartram, Flag Institute Chief Vexillologist

Day 2 featured two exclusive guided visits:

  • a morning tour of Trades House, led by Ian Robertson, Deacon Convenor of the Trades of Edinburgh
  • an afternoon tour of St Giles Cathedral’s fabulous Thistle Chapel and banners, led by Elizabeth Roads, Secretary of the Order of the Thistle

Spring Conference 2023

Saturday 29 April 2023, Victory Services Club, London

  • Mick McTiernan, military historian: ‘Choosing a flag for the Cretan State’
  • Erik Nystul, Utah State Flag Task Force: ‘The new Utah State Flag’
  • Rachel Phelan, textile conservator: ‘Flying high at St Patricks. Conservation during Covid’
  • Dr Mario Jareb, Croatian Institute of History and Matica Hrvatska: ‘From checkerboard to tricolor: Development and use of the Croatian coat of arms and flag throughout the centuries’
  • https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/flag-institute-spring-2023-conference-tickets-542987970637

AGM and Winter Conference 2022

Saturday 19 November 2022, Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds

Spring Conference 2022

Saturday 23 April 2022, David Game College, London.

AGM and Winter Conference 2021

Saturday 20 November 2021, People’s History Museum, Manchester
